11 Essential Sales Presentation Tips To Close The Deal Faster

The truth is, to sell a large quantity of any product, there is a set of steps everyone needs to follow. This process is familiar to many, including street vendors who use it easily.

Yet, it often goes unnoticed by many of us sales professionals, despite its potential to significantly impact sales success! To secure bigger and better deals, learning effective sales presentation techniques is essential. These skills can help you close deals quickly and with more confidence. For guidance on enhancing your presentations, keep reading on for more valuable strategies.

What is a Sales Presentation?

Understanding what makes a good presentation begins with understanding the sales presentation definition;

‘a talk giving information about a product or service that you are trying to sell, intended to persuade people to buy it:’. 

A sales presentation is a meeting between an individual salesperson or sales team and a company. They attempt to persuade key stakeholders to close the deal by displaying the offerings’ capabilities, benefits, and features. They must align with your prospective client’s needs to achieve the desired outcome, which usually requires extensive planning and preparation.

Sales Presentations Vs Sales Pitches: What’s the difference?

A sales presentation is kind of like a more complex version of a sales pitch. They are comprehensive and tailored for significant deals that require in-depth discussions among multiple decision-makers. They play a crucial role in scenarios where the stakes are high and collective decision-making is essential.

Sales presentations are more detailed than a quick sales pitch. They’re part of a longer sales cycle, usually for significant deals. These presentations often require demonstrating the product or reviewing the sales proposal in detail. They often demand a higher budget. This covers not only the presentation, which often lasts an hour, but also the necessary preparation, scheduling, and rehearsals. Moreover, sales presentations often involve a team, not just one person. Everyone needs to work together as a team to understand and execute the plan.

Navigating the landscape of sales pitches can be transformative for your sales strategy. Choosing the right pitch type can make all the difference, whether it’s a brief chat or a formal meeting.

Here’s a deeper dive into the nuances of each pitch type and discover examples and templates that bring them to life.

Read more here.

The elevator pitch is often mistaken for a regular sales pitch, but it’s actually different. A sales pitch is a formal type of sales presentation, usually used in long buying cycles. It can take multiple times until a deal has closed. Whereas an elevator sales pitch quickly introduces your work to potential clients in a casual setting. You position yourself as the go-to solution they need, aiming to pique their interest and pave the way for a sale.

How To Craft An Effective Elevator Sales Pitch

Crafting an effective elevator sales pitch is an essential skill for any professional. The right pitch can open doors and create opportunities during a brief encounter. An elevator pitch stands out from a regular sales pitch because it’s brief and gets to the point immediately. You have a short moment to grab someone’s attention and convey your message.

If you want to improve your ability to deliver a sharp elevator pitch, our guide is just what you need. It lays out the steps clearly and provides examples to help you craft your effective pitch quickly.

Craft your effective pitch now.

Also read:

The Importance of Effective Sales Presentations

A sales presentation helps salespeople build connections with prospective customers. It allows them to differentiate their offering from competitors – with the end goal of closing a deal. Sales presentations are crucial for shaping future interactions in the sales process. They serve as a vital tool to convince prospects that your offering meets their needs perfectly.

Also read: How to Run Effective Remote & Virtual Sales Presentations

What Makes a Good Sales Presentation?

An effective sales presentation speaks directly to your audience’s needs, challenges and desires. A sales presentation grabs attention with an engaging story and a clear value proposition. It includes a strong call to action that tells the prospect exactly why your solution is the right choice.

Let’s break down the five essentials of a good sales presentation and the common structure many companies use. This approach helps ensure your presentation is effective:

What are the 5 Core Elements of Every Sales Presentation?

1. Research

You’re giving a sales presentation because you can solve a prospect’s problem. However, you mustn’t start the sales presentation with the solution. Rather, start on the problem itself and the subsequent challenges and pain points your prospect experiences because of it.

Prospects don’t see solutions or features; they see the value that comes with a suitable solution. That’s why you need to research prospects to understand what motivates them thoroughly. Understanding your customers’ challenges is key. As you learn more about their operations, you can customize their experience to offer solutions that truly add value.

2. Storytelling

Stories help prospects visualize the value of your offering. That’s why choosing a few stories to use in your sales presentations can resonate with your prospects. This approach is effective when you’ve thoroughly researched and understood their unique requirements.

3. A Value-Proposition

“What’s really in it for me?” – that’s what every prospect wants to know. Every prospect is looking to understand the benefits they’ll gain. They want to know why your product or service is worth their investment.

Suppose you can’t convince someone else that your product or service offers better value than your competitors. In that case, there is no point in wasting any more time trying to sell your solution. You’ll only ever hear, “We’ll be in touch.”

Always ensure you arrive prepared with a value proposition. It should explicitly state how your company’s product or service benefits prospects. For example, you can always follow the “value proposition formula.” To get started: [Company name] helps [target audience] with [services] so you can [benefits].

4. Proof

Prospects are more likely to move on to the next step when they see proof that others have gained from your solution. To achieve this, ensure you have plenty of social proof available from the get-go when meeting with your prospect. Overall, any proof of your effective solution helps answer the “how can I believe you” question from prospects. To do so successfully, consider sharing evidence such as:

  • Client testimonials: Enhance your credibility impact with reasons other customers love doing business with you. 
  • Research data: Use industry expert quotes to create bridge statements from your features and benefits. 
  • Product comparisons against key competitors: Tell them why your solution is better. 

5. A Call to Action

Last but not least, an effective sales presentation requires a strong call to action at the end to compel prospects to take action. Tell prospects what their next step should be, whether buying, taking internal steps, or trying a free trial.

Create A Winning Sales Deck

Crafting a sales slide deck that connects with your audience and clearly presents your value is crucial for a winning sales strategy. It should spotlight your product’s benefits and features while telling a story that matches your prospects’ needs and challenges.

Learn how to create a sales slide deck that supports your pitch effectively and helps you close more deals, leading to more satisfied customers. It has a presentation template outline you can easily follow for your next sales deck.

Create your winning slide deck now.

11 Effective Sales Presentation Tips

Mastering the right sales presentation techniques can guide you through meetings and help you close more sales. Check out these methods below to boost your success:

1. Use the “Five-Second Rule”

Prospects have less and less time in this competitive and busy digital world. Capturing a prospect’s attention is hard, but holding onto it is an even harder! Keep the 5-second rule in mind: you have just fifteen to twenty words to capture your prospect’s attention. Ensure your overall opening statement is strong and directly relates to your audience.

2. Talk like an executive

Ideally, prospects will understand your sales presentation after the first minute. That’s why you need to use the appropriate language to address your audience. Not only does it help decision-makers connect with your solution quicker, but it also shows you’re prepared to respect their time.

3. Involve key stakeholders

Use your showmanship abilities and have the prospective decision-makers interact with the product you are selling. Encourage prospects to experience the product firsthand to appreciate its ease of use, softness, or the enjoyment it brings. Focus on its standout feature or benefit. When the customer gets involved, they can imagine themselves using the product, making it easier for them to buy.

4. Present solutions to painful challenges

Begin your sales presentation by focusing on the main issue that your prospect is struggling with. Describe how your product or service solves this specific problem they’re dealing with. Doing so shows them a way out of their current situation and the opportunities they could gain from closing the deal.

5. Make it memorable

When you give a presentation, people will not retain everything you say. Often, we leave it up to chance what our prospects remember from our presentations. By adding certain elements to your pitch, you can guide what sticks in their memory. Keep it simple and direct, ensuring the key points are memorable and impactful.

  • Visuals: The first element is to help them visualize. Use a visual on the screen that emphasizes one of my key messages. Aim to have no more than three key messages that you want somebody to walk away with. But use visuals to emphasize key points.
  • Text: Also, put text on the screen, almost like underlining essential words in documents. Use text to highlight important points you want them to remember.
  • Story: To get your prospect to remember your presentation, include a story highlighting your 3 key points. Wrap them in a story that touches on their emotions and can help them visualize how your solution will help them.
  • Repetition: By using stories, text, and visuals and repeating your key points, your presentation will stick with the audience. They’ll especially remember the three main messages you want to highlight.

    Steve Jobs captivated his audience with his effective presentation style. He often used rhetorical techniques and focused on three main points to clarify his message. His presentations always typically emphasized products being thinner, faster, and lighter.

So remember to influence what people remember from your presentation. Use visuals, text, story and repetition.

Engaging presentation principles apply universally, whether delivered live or virtually. Spencer Waldron from Prezi offers insights on keeping your audience engaged. His advice is practical across all types of presentations. His strategies work for any presentation scenario, making sure people hear your message and remember it.

Get the summary here.

6. Prepare valuable insights

Another effective sales presentation technique is to prepare insights ahead of time for your prospects. Insights are accurate understandings of your prospect, your prospect’s business or your industry. These insights come from research, experience, and analyzing data and metrics. They aim to strengthen the relationship with prospects by offering them new ways to enhance and grow their business.

Insight Vs Solution Sellers Comparison Chart, What's their sales approach? How are they different? Which is better?

7. Don’t lead with your differentiators. Lead to them!

Suppose you lead by explaining your solution’s differentiating factors. In that case, you risk not hitting the mark and resonating with prospects about why this is so important. That’s why you should introduce your key differentiators only after the prospect clearly understands your backstory. View your key differentiators as clues you leave for prospects, helping them piece together the overall benefits.

8. Master the art of trial closes

Instead of expecting commitment from a single sales pitch, guide your prospect through a series of smaller steps that lead to the final commitment. A commitment is an obligation or a promise; an incremental commitment would be small, bite-sized pieces or portions. For example, you could ask your prospects to commit to:

  • Meeting with you again.
  • Reviewing your proposal.
  • Introducing you to another decision-maker.
  • Scheduling a conference call with key stakeholders.
  • Forwarding a survey to their staff to understand their needs before you propose something.

Overall, the key is to secure a small, easy commitment from your prospect. When followed by consistent small commitments, this initial step gradually leads you to finalize those extensive, intricate deals.

9. Ask for feedback

The easiest way to lose the engagement of any audience is to drone on for long periods. While your words might be compelling, how you deliver them is crucial. That’s why you should start your presentation by inviting decision-makers to ask questions at any point. This open dialogue lets your sales reps gauge if they’re on target or need to adjust their strategy.

10. Ask for the sale

After the prospect understands the product, how it can benefit them, and how easy it will be to implement, ask for the sale. Consider the approach of the sidewalk seller’s case, who asks, “We have it in red, blue, green and yellow. What color would you like?” Determine what closes work best for you.

Also read: 15 Top Sales Closing Techniques To Increase Close Rates

11. Ask Again

If the customer poses an objection, overcome their objection and ask again. Persist even after an initial rejection. Reflect on the sidewalk seller’s tactic when he asks, “What else can you get in Singapore for $10?”. Salespeople often close most sales on the second or third attempt.

You don’t have to sit on a sidewalk with a loudspeaker blasting your every word to employ these techniques. You just need to demonstrate how your product makes life better for your customers. So find a way to get in front of your prospects, and make sure to follow these steps to maximize results.

7 Effective Sales Presentation Skills Every Sales Rep Must Have

We’ve already explored effective sales presentation techniques. Let’s recap the sales presentation skills every sales rep needs to close more deals. Discover each skill in detail below:

Research & Solution-Based Questioning

The first stage of preparing for a sales presentation is thoroughly researching your prospect. Skipping this preparation will likely result in the rejection of your ideas. That’s why all salespeople must be keen researchers of their ideal customers. Gather answers and insights about your prospect’s challenges with typical solution-selling questions such as:

  • What are their most pressing needs?
  • Do they know their most significant challenges?
  • What are their aspirations?
  • What’s stopping them from currently reaching these goals?
  • What do their customers and stakeholders need and want?
  • How could your solution help to negate these issues they’re experiencing?
  • In what way will your solution position your prospect with a market advantage?
  • How can you accurately communicate the benefits without solely discussing the solution to influence prospects to take action? 

The importance of Solution Selling vs. product Selling for effective sales presentations

What does solution selling vs product selling have to do with sales presentations? In product selling, the goal is to convince customers that it outshines the competition. This is why salespeople often detail features and prices to uninterested prospects. This approach focuses heavily on the product’s attributes during sales presentations. 

On the other hand, solution selling requires an alternative way of making a sale. Pinpointing your customer’s real-world problem is key. You can then demonstrate how your product is the right solution to solve their problem.

How To Make Compelling & Powerful Sales Demonstrations

A compelling sales demo goes beyond showcasing features. This is a pivotal moment when the prospect truly sees what the product can do for them. Delivering a sales demo that informs, persuades, and excites is a skill that significantly impacts the sale’s outcome. This skill is vital for turning prospects into customers.

Our guide provides detailed steps for planning and executing a sales demo that will captivate and sway your audience.

Get the full detailed steps here.

Active Listening

You must be willing to listen to your prospects first so that they will pay attention to what you say. This involves more than just allowing your prospects to speak; it’s about actively listening to their concerns and feedback.

Sales professionals should be listening 80% of the time and only talking 20% of the time. Allocate half of that 20% to asking questions, leaving just 10% for presenting and explaining your product.

To craft an offering that resonates with your prospect, pay close attention to the details they share about their problem. This tailored approach increases the likelihood of a purchase. Rather than spending time preparing an unappealing one-size-fits-all type of deal. 

Overall, effective sales presentations hinge on your body language. Show your prospect that you’re actively listening—through subtle head nods and comments demonstrating understanding and agreement.

Also read: 6 Personality Traits of a Good Salesperson Vs. a Bad Salesperson


Case studies have shown that people are more receptive to stories than almost any other type of communication. Our brains not only naturally crave stories, but we remember them and pass on the meaningful ones to others. That’s why incorporating storytelling into asking for the sale is so effective.

Create a hero with a clear name and personality, facing a practical problem they must resolve. However, you must take great care when deciding how to reflect your intended message. When crafting stories for your customers, ensure your storytelling speaks directly to your customers. Include the same hopes, ambitions, fears, regrets, and disappointments they too possess so they see their own stories reflected in yours.


Ultimately, prospects need to perceive you as self-assured to want to work with you. That’s why all sales reps should be confident in themselves and the solution they are selling. To achieve this, all skilled salespeople must rehearse and fine-tune their sales presentations well before it’s time to present. They practice to ensure that the delivery is articulate and compelling. Alongside employing body language techniques such as:

  • Eye contact: Shows prospects you’re interested in what they have to say.
  • Standing/sitting straight: Opens your posture, making your body language warmer and authoritative. 
  • A firm handshake: Always offer a firm but friendly handshake to make a good first impression.
  • Smile: An effective sales presentation technique for keeping prospects at ease when used naturally as not forced. 

Objection Handling

All sales reps should be able to list common past objections and grasp the reasoning behind each one. By doing this, reps can positively frame each response to each objection and practice it for the sales presentation. Continue reading to learn common sales objections and how to overcome them. 

Interpersonal & Rapport Building

Interpersonal skills are subtle yet impactful behaviors that help build rapport with prospects. They’re the key to transforming successful sales presentations into lasting, trusted relationships. As the saying goes, ‘People do business with people they know, like and trust.’ So, of course, you need to build rapport – and quickly.

One of the most effective ways to do this is to use your customer’s name and know how to pronounce it correctly. It helps to foster a sense of connection with them because they feel heard. People also kind of love the sound of their names—it’s a simple yet effective way to engage with them.

However, make sure to use their name naturally in the conversation – otherwise, you’ll come off as indigenous. Other types of interpersonal skills include:

  • Communication style flexing: Different prospects have unique ways in which they prefer to communicate based on their communication style. They typically fall into one of four communication styles based on two factors. Understanding the different communication styles and how to handle each individually can drastically improve your relationship and ability to connect with other people. 

    Furthermore, after fully identifying your prospective executive’s communication style, focus on understanding their decision-making approach. How do you do this? Ask yourself and the prospective executive these questions
  • Courtesy: If good manners cost nothing, courtesy is critical for making prospects feel welcome and comfortable. 
  • Understanding the prospect’s viewpoint: This can significantly impact our understanding of their motivations for buying—or not buying.

Engaging with prospects effectively is key to sales success. Doing so will allow you to close more deals and forge stronger business relationships. Building rapport, understanding communication styles, and demonstrating courtesy are just a few interpersonal skills that can significantly impact your interactions with prospects. 

Learn the subtle yet powerful strategies that can transform your sales approach and help you connect with prospects on a deeper level.

Discover the strategies here.

Master the art of closing deals remotely

Selling virtually is not a matter of just doing the same old sales pitch but online. You have to be highly organized and have tightly planned out presentations so you don’t leave your prospect bored and disconnected.

Check out our brand new Virtual Selling course to take your remote selling skills to the next level. The course includes 5 checklists, cheat sheets, and guides, and 15+ on-demand virtual selling lessons.

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