SOCO Academy: Online Sales Training Programs


Get the sales training you need anytime, anywhere.

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Award-winning mobile learning and sales training provider

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Bite-size content you can access wherever you want

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High-energy videos, with text & images to highlight key points


Desktop and Mobile

Learn anywhere an internet connection is available

Sales Accelerator Package

5 course certification package for individual sales professionals

Sales Teams Package

Sales teams packages to upskill, monitor and reinforce learning


We’ve spent decades developing and implementing our results-based training for innovative companies that want a more modern approach to selling. So when it comes to online sales training, you know you’re in the right hands. 

SOCO Academy offers a personalised learning experience, allowing you to focus on the areas you need to develop most. Optimise your learning and achieve your career goals more quickly with one of our many trusted online sales training courses: 

Mindset for Sales Success -
Attitude Advantage

A positive attitude is the foundation for sales success.

Stand Apart from Competition -
Differentiation Dominance

In this program, you’ll learn how to position yourself and determine how you’re different or better than the competition.

Selling Your Solution -
Presentation Perfection

In the Presentation Perfection Course, you’re going to learn everything that you need to know to help you close sales confidently.

Relationship Selling - Building Stronger Relationships

Let’s face it. Relationships add value. A salesperson can compete on the basis of product, price, and service, but still lose a sale because of the relationship between the customer and the competitor’s salesperson.

Business Negotiation

Our in-depth business negotiations course equips participants with the knowledge and application skills to understand: what’s important to counterparts, how to prepare to negotiate, how to influence the other party and what it takes to artfully overcome difficult situations to secure deals.

Virtual Selling – Moving From
In-Person to Online

Overnight, sales teams have had to move from selling in-person to using digital tools to close deals. This course will equip participants with the skills they need to move from in-person to virtual selling.

Management Mastery – Leading High Performance Teams

In this course we cover the essential management and leadership skills every leader needs to posses to bring the best out of their team.

Managing Virtually

Start learning on how you can keep staff productive while they’re working from home, tools you can use for the remote work and how to keep the social connection when no one is working together under the same roof anymore.

Social Selling -
The Evolution of Sales

Gain the skills needed to demonstrate your expertise, generate leads and accelerate your sales cycle.

Why Upskill with SOCO Academy?

Sales is a skill that is needs to be learnt, practiced and mastered.

 In our Certified Sales SOCO Academy courses, we include the skills all sales professionals and small business owners need to master to be effective in sales. More than just an online sales training, SOCO Academy is a complete blended learning system to maximise results. 

Training sales teams is not an easy task.

For too long, leaders and L&D teams have had to contend with in-person scheduling conflicts, measuring training effectiveness, alongside tackling low learner engagement and retention rates.

SOCO Academy helps solve this problem. 

By combining online training and live virtual training, SOCO Academy helps train staff with less downtime and more flexibility.

Better yet? Our award-winning e-learning platform is available in Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese and Mandarin, so globally dispersed teams can benefit from the same cutting-edge methodology.

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