Creating scripts for scheduling appointments that will resonate with my prospective customers.
Also Read:
- Having Conversations With Prospects
- Questioning Cheat Sheet: 10 Questions To Move A Sale Forward
- Engage prospects effectively
Don’t wing it! It’s important to develop scripts for leaving voicemail messages, leaving messages with assistants (gatekeepers) and when speaking directly with your prospective customers. What’s the purpose of your call? To inform, remind or persuade? Often, it’s to persuade the prospect to agree to scheduling an appointment with you.
Most people naturally begin the conversation by asking “how are you?” but that can sometimes appear insincere. Try asking “have you got two minutes?” to show that you respect their time. Be sure to use your qualifying questions to avoid wasting time and ensure you’re speaking to the right person. Use language that resonates with your prospect and shows that you understand their challenges.
Tell them you’re only looking for 20 minutes of their time at their office and ask “what works better, mornings or afternoons? Tuesdays or Thursdays?”. Try asking “what other decision-makers do you think should join our meeting?” Be sure to schedule the appointment for as soon after the call as possible to keep the momentum and be sure to send them a reminder 24 hours before to confirm.
Don’t read your script, know your script. Practicing in front of the mirror and rehearsing it with colleagues and your coach can be very effective. Be sure to track the number of calls you make, the number of contacts you speak with, the number of appointments scheduled, etc. It’s all about numbers and what you can measure, you can improve.
Creating compelling scripts for scheduling appointments that will resonate with your prospective customers and rehearsing it, will help you schedule more appointments and ensure you’re dealing with a decision-maker.
Learn more from our online platform SOCO Academy on presenting yourself differently.
Learn how to create scripts for scheduling appointments, right here in this video.
In this video:
00:20 Why you need a script
00:42 Six sections of your script
01:18 What you must do right now
Hi everyone, it’s Tom Abbott here, founder of Soco Sales Training, sales trainer, coach, keynote speaker and author of ‘The SOHO Solution: 21 Selling Strategies For Growing Your Small Business’ with a tip on how you can increase sales and grow your business.
Why You Need A Script
Have you created a compelling script for scheduling appointments that will resonate with your prospects? The most important thing to remember here is, Don’t wing it! Without some kind of a structure or plan, you leave too many things open to chance and can lose control of the call.
Six Sections Of Your Script
Your telephone script has six different sections: introducing yourself (ask if it’s a good time to speak), building rapport (have you been referred?), establishing credibility (why should they listen to you), making your offer (what’s the benefit of meeting you?), getting a commitment (you could propose “How about Wednesday 2PM?”) and ending your call (provide your contact details in case they need to reschedule).
What You Must Do Right Now
Your task today is to create a script for scheduling appointments that will resonate with prospects. Frame your remarks in the context of how a meeting with you will help them. This will make it easier to get in front of more prospects.
Discover a New Way to Generate Leads
Like blood to a body, a full sales pipeline is necessary for your business to survive. The thing is, prospecting has evolved, and old methods just aren’t effective anymore.
Our Prospecting Power Training teaches participants how to ensure your customer acquisition strategy is creative, persistent, and, most importantly, generates real results.