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Communication Style

Improve your sales communication style. Learn techniques to connect better with clients, build rapport, and close more deals effectively.

Understanding 4 Communication Styles To Improve Your Own

SOCO’s Four Communication Styles Different customers, prospects and colleagues have unique ways that they like to communicate based on their own communication style. They typically fall into one of four communication styles based on two factors. Those two factors are your level of sociability and your level of dominance. “SOCO” is a quadrant model and an acronym for the four […]

Understanding 4 Communication Styles To Improve Your Own Read More »

Selling in Asia Episode 22_ How Human Connection Can Help You Build Lasting Relationships With Your Customers with Simone Heng

How To Use Human Connection To Build Lasting Customer Relationships

In this Selling in Asia podcast, Tom sat down with a friend and fellow keynote speaker and advocate of human connection Simone Heng. Join them to discuss why human connection is so important right now and how it can help sales professionals connect with their customers on a deeper level to build lasting business relationships.

How To Use Human Connection To Build Lasting Customer Relationships Read More »

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